A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.


Title Date published
Is there an explanation for the Universe, or is it random? 2022-02-01
The next revolution in theoretical physics 2022-01-27
Could our galaxy have a dark matter center? 2022-01-25
Could life have started much earlier in the Universe? 2022-01-20
The mysterious phenomenon of turning sound into light 2022-01-18
Do we know where dark matter is? 2022-01-13
What's happening to the Hyades Cluster? 2022-01-11
Why black holes are actually bright. 2022-01-06
What happens when stars collide? 2022-01-04
Did this particle cause the Big Bang? 2021-12-30
What if the asteroid hadn't killed the dinosaurs? 2021-12-28
Could quantum mechanics be deterministic? 2021-12-23
What is Zodiacal Light? 2021-12-21
Will starlink spoil astronomy? 2021-12-16
Can something be both a conductor and insulator? 2021-12-14
Did our Universe evolve? 2021-12-09
How should we search for extra terrestrial intelligence? 2021-12-07
Things that glow in the dark 2021-12-02
Kids questions about the Universe! 2021-11-30
The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 2021-11-25

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