A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.


Title Date published
Is it possible to have a two-dimensional object? 2021-06-24
Are there stars made of dark matter? 2021-06-22
Where are all the medium-sized black holes? 2021-06-17
How was the cosmic microwave background discovered? 2021-06-15
How many Higgs bosons are there? 2021-06-10
Where did the Earth's atmosphere come from? 2021-06-08
What did we learn from the Arecibo Radio Telescope? 2021-06-03
Why does measuring a quantum object change it? 2021-06-01
Can there be life INSIDE a black hole? 2021-05-27
Listener Questions: the expanding observable Universe, what it's like to be a photon and the age of the Universe 2021-05-25
What is Frame Dragging? 2021-05-20
Is space-based solar power realistic? 2021-05-18
Does Mars Have a Liquid Center? 2021-05-13
What's the most promising theory of EVERYTHING? 2021-05-11
What's the most powerful volcano in the Solar System? 2021-05-06
Can the Universe exist without space? 2021-05-04
The Science Fiction Universe of SB Divya 2021-04-29
Can brains spontaneously form in space? 2021-04-27
Listener Questions: Black Holes, Dark Entropy and a Radio Free Zone! 2021-04-22
Did CERN just discover a new particle, using penguins? 2021-04-20

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