A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.


Title Date published
Did Fermilab just discover a new particle? 2021-04-15
Have we solved the black hole information paradox? 2021-04-13
What's a Tesseract? 2021-04-08
Did Jupiter once have a different orbit? 2021-04-06
What's the heaviest stable element? 2021-04-01
What's the Huge Large Quasar Group? 2021-03-30
What is the Space Roar? 2021-03-25
What was the pioneer anomaly? 2021-03-23
The Science Finction Universe of Lindsay Ellis 2021-03-18
Daniel answers Listener Questions about black holes, antimatter stars and why the Universe exists! 2021-03-16
Why does our Universe have a Cold Spot? 2021-03-11
What are boson stars? 2021-03-09
Daniel answers Listener Questions about the smell of space, the electroweak force and spotting distant aliens. 2021-03-04
What are globular clusters? 2021-03-02
What is a Quantum Dot? 2021-02-25
Daniel answers Listener Questions about diamond rain on Jupiter, travel near the speed of light and the tilt of Uranus. 2021-02-23
Can we see evidence of a previous Universe? 2021-02-18
Can we build an invisibility cloak? 2021-02-16
Daniel answers Listener Questions about hawking radiation, 5G networks and wireless phone chargers! 2021-02-11
What's a Time Crystal? 2021-02-09

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