Host Rachel Feltman, alongside leading science and tech journalists, dives into the rich world of scientific discovery in this bite-size science variety show.


Title Date published
COVID, Quickly, Episode 7: The Coming Pandemic Grief Wave, and Mask Whiplash 2021-05-21
Math and Sleuthing Help to Explain Epidemics of the Past 2021-05-20
Who Laps Whom on the Walking Track--Tyrannosaurus rex or You? Science Has a New Answer 2021-05-14
Artificial Light Keeps Mosquitoes Biting Late into the Night 2021-05-11
COVID, Quickly, Episode 6: The Real Reason for India's Surge and Mask Liftoff 2021-05-07
Male Lyrebirds Lie to Get Sex 2021-05-04
Lovebirds Adore Our Inefficient Air-Conditioning 2021-04-27
COVID, Quickly, Episode 5: Vaccine Safety in Pregnancy, Blood Clots and Long-Haul Realities 2021-04-23
Beehives Are Held Together by Their Mutual Gut Microbes 2021-04-20
These Endangered Birds Are Forgetting Their Songs 2021-04-16
To Fight Climate Change: Grow a Floating Forest, Then Sink It 2021-04-12
COVID, Quickly, Episode 4: The Virtual Vaccine Line and Shots for Kids 2021-04-09
Big Physics News: The Muon g-2 Experiment Explained 2021-04-07
Boston's Pigeons Coo, 'Wicked'; New York's Birds Coo, 'Fuhgeddaboudit' 2021-04-05
Imperiled Freshwater Turtles Are Eating Plastics--Science Is Just Revealing the Threat 2021-03-31
COVID, Quickly, Episode 3: Vaccine Inequality--plus Your Body the Variant Fighter 2021-03-26
Using Dragonflies as Contamination Detectors 2021-03-24
Smartphones Can Hear the Shape of Your Door Keys 2021-03-18
Chimpanzees Show Altruism while Gathering around the Juice Fountain 2021-03-16
COVID, Quickly, Episode 2: Lessons from a Pandemic Year 2021-03-11

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