Host Rachel Feltman, alongside leading science and tech journalists, dives into the rich world of scientific discovery in this bite-size science variety show.


Title Date published
Squid's Glowing Skin Patterns May Be Code 2020-04-02
Bird Fossil Shared Earth with T. rex 2020-04-01
City Birds: Big-Brained with Few Offspring or Small-Brained with a Lot 2020-03-31
Coyotes Eat Everything from Fruits to Cats 2020-03-30
Tiny Wormlike Creature May Be Our Oldest Known Ancestor 2020-03-29
Science News Briefs from around the Planet 2020-03-28
Help Researchers Track COVID-19 2020-03-26
Sick Vampire Bats Restrict Grooming to Close Family 2020-03-25
Exponential Infection Increases Are Deadly Serious 2020-03-24
Swamp Wallaby Reproduction Give Tribbles a Run 2020-03-21
Ocean Plastic Smells Great to Sea Turtles 2020-03-19
Ancient Clam Shell Reveals Shorter Day Length 2020-03-17
Snapping Shrimp Make More Noise in Warmer Oceans 2020-03-11
Stress from Undersea Noise Interferes with Crab Camouflage 2020-03-10
Indigenous Amazonians Managed Valuable Plant Life 2020-03-04
Computers Confirm Beethoven's Influence 2020-03-03
Science News Briefs from around the World 2020-03-02
Jet Altitude Changes Cut Climate-Changing Contrails 2020-02-25
Thoroughbred Horses Are Increasingly Inbred 2020-02-24
Pablo Escobar's Hippos Could Endanger Colombian Ecology 2020-02-20

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