Join host Stuart Gary for weekly explorations into Astronomy, Space, and Science News, featuring insights from 19 years on Australian Public Radio and industry experts.<br /><br />Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href=""></a>.


Title Date published
37: Earth’s magnetic field unlikely to flip anytime soon 2018-05-11
36: NASA InSight mission blasts off 2018-05-09
35: Massive cloud on collision course with the Milky Way 2018-05-04
34: A star stripped naked 2018-05-02
33: The most sensitive ever Dark Matter search gets underway 2018-04-27
32: NASA launches its latest planet-hunting spacecraft 2018-04-25
31: Dark Matter Keeps Its Secrets 2018-04-20
30: A glimpse into the heart of an exploding star 2018-04-18
29: Tens of thousands of black holes in Milky Way's centre 2018-04-13
28: Mysterious Signals from the Galactic Centre 2018-04-11
27: The Origins of Earth’s Water 2018-04-06
26: China’s Tiangong-1 space station crashes back to Earth 2018-04-04
25: Alien asteroid likely came from a binary star system 2018-03-30
24: Ancient relic galaxy uncovered 2018-03-28
23: Steven Hawking’s passing 2018-03-23
22: New Australian developed rocket passes major test 2018-03-21
21: New studies suggest the Moon has loads of water 2018-03-19
20: Astronomers detect ancient signals from the first stars in universe 2018-03-16
19: The strange dense structure discovered below the South Atlantic Anomaly 2018-03-09
18: Neutron stars confirmed as sources of ultraluminous X-rays 2018-03-07

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