Join host Stuart Gary for weekly explorations into Astronomy, Space, and Science News, featuring insights from 19 years on Australian Public Radio and industry experts.<br /><br />Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href=""></a>.


Title Date published
78: Narrowing down on Dark Energy 2017-10-06
77: Rare meteorite rocks scientific community 2017-10-04
76: Fourth gravitational wave detection 2017-09-29
75: Australia to finally establish a space agency 2017-09-27
74: Could interstellar ice provide the answer to the birth of DNA? 2017-09-22
73: The best estimates yet of Earth’s composition 2017-09-20
72: Farewell Cassini 2017-09-15
71: NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft About to Swoop Over Australia 2017-09-13
70: New Theories On the Formation Of Primordial Black Holes 2017-09-07
69: Cassini Mission End Countdown 2017-09-01
68: Bizarre looking white dwarf star 2017-08-30
67: Diamonds Rain on Neptune and Uranus 2017-08-25
66: Moon's magnetic field lasted far longer than once believed 2017-08-23
65: Counting Down to the Great American Solar Eclipse 2017-08-18
64: Galaxies at the cosmic dawn 2017-08-16
63: An Earth-like atmosphere may not survive Proxima b's orbit 2017-08-11
62: New evidence supporting supernova shock wave theory of solar system's origins 2017-08-09
61: The Sun’s core rotates nearly four times faster than its surface 2017-08-04
60: Planet Earth’s close asteroid encounter 2017-08-02
59: Lunar water more common than thought 2017-07-28

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