Get update on the current events each morning.


Title Date published
Why react when you can overreact 2019-08-27
Why is Joe Walsh running for president 2019-08-26
The government thats closer to home 2019-08-23
Boycott bullying and the left 2019-08-22
Dont so anything about Milwaukee's scooters 2019-08-21
Jay Z and the NFL 2019-08-20
The latest in Trump Derangement Syndrome 2019-08-19
Its back to school, what are we outraged about now 2019-08-15
Welfare and work 2019-08-14
Dump President Trump Nope 2019-08-13
Dems, gun control, and African Americans 2019-08-12
Words matter, Democrats need tom remember that as well 2019-08-08
Chinese election meddling 2019-08-07
Neil De Grasse Tyson is right 2019-08-06
Can we talk about guns and mass shootings 2019-08-05
Russian election meddling 2019-08-01
Democrats continue to push to the left 2019-07-31
Don't speak the truth 2019-07-30
Stop calling the police 2019-07-29
President Trump wont be in office forever 2019-07-23

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