Get update on the current events each morning.


Title Date published
Dems cant cut the federal budget 2019-03-29
Democracy Dies in Darkness 2019-03-29
Show votes show things 2019-03-28
Josh Kaul and the opioid cash dash 2019-03-28
The Dems and the superlegislature 2019-03-27
Jussie Smollett and the cult of victimhood 2019-03-27
We need to hold people accountable 2019-03-26
What the opposition is really about 2019-03-26
Elections have consequences 2019-03-25
The media needs to apologize or admit their bias 2019-03-25
Two things are true about John McCain 2019-03-21
Do you have a right to a Democratic Congressman 2019-03-21
Keep the electoral college 2019-03-20
Stressed Millenials 2019-03-20
Minimum basic incomes could work 2019-03-19
NCAA hypocrasy 2019-03-19
The real fake news 2019-03-18
How much voter fraud is okay 2019-03-18
Life in Unfair 2019-03-15
Michelle Obama didn't go to a typical Milwaukee High School 2019-03-15

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