Hillbilly Horror Stories is a mostly paranormal show hosted by stand up comedian Jerry Paulley and his wife Tracy. They touch on all things eerie including true stories behind your favorite horror movies, Rock n Roll and the occult, unsolved mysteries and creepy true crime. Serious enough for the true paranormal fan but funny enough for the skeptics! Proud member of Dark Myths Collective.


Title Date published
Patreon Preview Shorts 1061 & 1062 Court Cases Involving Ghosts 2022-12-27
335 Christmas Ghost Stories 2022-12-25
Hillbilly Horror Stories Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 43 Angels Among Us 2022-12-24
HHS Classic Ep 31 Gray man of Pawley's Island 2022-12-23
HHS Presents Eerie Encounters Ep 47 Dogs, Fires & Intruders 2022-12-22
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 107 Boothe Memorial Park 2022-12-21
Patreon Preview Shorts 885 & 886 Haunted Chattanooga 2022-12-20
Introducing: Mystery INC 2022-12-19
334 Maurice Tillet 2022-12-19
HHS Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 42 Ludger Sylbaris 2022-12-17
HHS Classic Ep 30 Stanley Hotel 2022-12-16
HHS Presents Eerie Encounters Ep 46 On the Road Again! 2022-12-15
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 106 The Baby's Cry 2022-12-14
Patreon Preview Shorts 1174 & 1175 Scary Graveyard Shift Stories 2022-12-13
333 Unexplainable 2022-12-12
HHS Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 41 Jim McDonnell 2022-12-10
HHS Classic Ep 29 Japanese Suicide Forest 2022-12-09
HHS Presents Eerie Encounters Ep 45 All Anonymous 2022-12-08
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 105 The Monks of Chingle Hall 2022-12-07
Patreon Preview Shorts 1200 & 1201 Creepy Stories from the News 2022-12-06

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