Hillbilly Horror Stories is a mostly paranormal show hosted by stand up comedian Jerry Paulley and his wife Tracy. They touch on all things eerie including true stories behind your favorite horror movies, Rock n Roll and the occult, unsolved mysteries and creepy true crime. Serious enough for the true paranormal fan but funny enough for the skeptics! Proud member of Dark Myths Collective.


Title Date published
HHS Classic Ep 15 Aleister Crowley 2022-04-22
HHS Presents Eerie Encounters Ep 13 Short, But Sweet 2022-04-21
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 73 EastTennessee Creatures 2022-04-20
Patreon Preview Short 1174 Scary Graveyard Shift Stories 2022-04-19
HHS Bonus Dolly from Iowa 2022-04-18
299: New Hope Church 2022-04-18
HHS Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 8 Bog Bodies 2022-04-16
HHS Classic Ep 91 Waverly Hills Sanitorium 2022-04-15
HHS Presents Eerie Encounters Ep 12 Chilling Stories 2022-04-14
Save Waverly Hills 2022-04-14
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 72 Stony Hollow Road 2022-04-13
Patreon Preview Short 983 Windshield Pitting Mystery 2022-04-12
Introducing: Phantasmal Crime 2022-04-11
298: Curse of the Petrified Forest 2022-04-11
Macabre Misfortunes Ep 7 Wolf Girl of Devils River 2022-04-09
HHS Classic Ep 89 Ohio State Refornatory 2022-04-08
HHS Presents Eerie Encounters Ep 11 Kentucky Ghost Encounters 2022-04-07
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 71 Tombstone Stagecoach 2022-04-06
Patreon Preview Shannon Thor 2022-04-05
HHS Bonus Angel Mayes 2022-04-04

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