Hillbilly Horror Stories is a mostly paranormal show hosted by stand up comedian Jerry Paulley and his wife Tracy. They touch on all things eerie including true stories behind your favorite horror movies, Rock n Roll and the occult, unsolved mysteries and creepy true crime. Serious enough for the true paranormal fan but funny enough for the skeptics! Proud member of Dark Myths Collective.


Title Date published
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Compilation 2024-06-18
408 Time Slips 2 2024-06-16
Macabre Misfortunes Ep 112 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Pool 2024-06-15
HHS Classic Ep 221 Civil War Ghosts 2024-06-14
HHS Classic Ep 9 Rock N Roll & the Occult 2024-06-14
Classic Listener Stories Ep 13 2024-06-10
407 Parallel Universes & Noah LaLonde 2024-06-09
Macabre Misfortunes Ep 111 The Essex 2024-06-08
HHS Classic Ep 220 Curses of Maine 2024-06-07
Classic Listener Stories Ep 12 2024-06-04
Haunted Japanese Air Bases 2024-06-03
HHS Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 110 Elevator Tragedy Ad Free 2024-06-01
HHS Classic Ep 219 Sunshine Skyway Bridge 2024-05-31
Classic Listener Stories Ep 11 2024-05-28
Messages From The Dead 2024-05-27
HHS Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 109 Japanese ATM 2024-05-25
HHS Classic Ep 217 Haunted Disneyland 2024-05-24
Classic Listener Stories Ep 10 2024-05-21
404: Strange Disappearances 2024-05-19
HHS Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 108 Valentine's Day Tragedy 2024-05-18

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