Hillbilly Horror Stories is a mostly paranormal show hosted by stand up comedian Jerry Paulley and his wife Tracy. They touch on all things eerie including true stories behind your favorite horror movies, Rock n Roll and the occult, unsolved mysteries and creepy true crime. Serious enough for the true paranormal fan but funny enough for the skeptics! Proud member of Dark Myths Collective.


Title Date published
Wickedly Weird Ep 11 Moncare Fanchon 2024-01-13
HHS Classic Ep 189 Littlecote Hotel 2024-01-12
HHS Presents Eerie Encounters Ep 86 Guardian Angels 2024-01-11
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 149 Bay Cliff's Restless Spirit 2024-01-10
Patreon Preview Shorts 984 & 985 Haunted Cemeteries 2024-01-09
386: Point Lookout Lighthouse 2024-01-08
HHS Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 92 Harvestine Bakery 2024-01-06
HHS Classic Ep 188 Fred Beck & Ape Canyon 2024-01-05
HHS Presents Eerie Encounters Ep 85 Quick Camping Stories 2024-01-04
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 148 Sisters of Hope Street 2024-01-04
Patreon Preview Shorts Ep 1696 & 1697 Dark Family Secrets 2024-01-02
385: Florida Paranormal Encounters 2024-01-01
HHS Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 91 John Hutcherson 2023-12-30
HHS Classic Ep 187 The Kentucky Vampires 2023-12-29
HHS Presents Eerie Encounters Ep 84 Animals from Beyond 2023-12-28
Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 147 Sarasota Solitaire Ghost 2023-12-27
Patreon Preview 1296 & 1297 Google Maps Horror Stores 2023-12-26
384: Lincoln Park 2023-12-25
HHS Presents Macabre Misfortunes Ep 90 The Big Game Disaster 2023-12-23
HHS Classic Ep 186 Haunted Brazil 2023-12-22

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