What do you get when you combine two knowledgeable CFP® PROFESSIONALS (one also a well-informed COLLEGE FINANCE INSTRUCTOR)? If you mix in relevant financial information and a healthy dose of humor you get the Retirement and IRA Radio Show! JIM SAULNIER, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional with Jim Saulnier and Associates who specializes in retirement planning for clients across the country, CHRIS STEIN, a Finance Instructor at Colorado State University who is also a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional, offer real-world knowledge on a diverse range of topics including Social Security planning, investing for your retirement, the fundamentals of 401(k) and IRA accounts. Jim and Chris make learning about your retirement both educational and entertaining!


Title Date published
Social Security, Child-In-Care Benefits, Roth IRAs, Buffered Products, and Inherited IRAs: Q&A #2430 2024-07-27
In-Depth Principal Protected Structured ETFs: EDU #2430 2024-07-24
Delayed Retirement Credits, Pensions, HSAs and Annuities: Q&A #2429 2024-07-20
Estate Planning 101: EDU #2429 2024-07-17
Tax Questions Answered: Q&A #2428 2024-07-13
Our Retirement Philosophy/Approach In 10 Minutes Or Less: EDU #2428 2024-07-10
COLA Calculations, WEP, Annuitizing, Roth Pro Rata Rule, and Inherited Roth IRAs: Q&A #2427 2024-07-06
Is There a Simpler Approach to Retirement Planning?: EDU #2427 2024-07-03
Social Security, Roth Withdrawals, and IRAs: Q&A #2426 2024-06-29
Covering MDF With Lifetime Secure Income: EDU #2426 2024-06-26
Social Security, IRMAA, Roth Conversions, and IRAs: Q&A #2425 2024-06-22
Insurance Companies and Annuities: EDU #2425 2024-06-19
Social Security, 529 Conversions, FIAs, and RMDs: Q&A #2424 2024-06-15
Income Benefits Of Non-Annuitized Annuities: EDU #2424 2024-06-12
Rollover Issues and Income Annuities: Q&A #2423 2024-06-08
Kicking Off Annuity Awareness Month: EDU #2423 2024-06-05
Annuities, Pensions, and Social Security: Q&A #2422 2024-06-01
Our Retirement Planning Process and Philosophy Part 6: EDU #2422 2024-05-29
Social Security, WEP, Lifecycle Funds, and Retirement Planning: Q&A #2421 2024-05-25
Our Retirement Planning Process and Philosophy Part 5: EDU #2421 2024-05-22

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