Politics, Culture, Entertainment and so much more is covered on "What Does Perrin Think?" Welcome to the world of Perrin Kennedy, a young professional with a lot to say. With so much going on in the world today, "What Does Perrin Think?" helps to break down the news in a fun energetic way. The show often includes guests that give a diversity of opinions on the topics. No matter what it is, you'll be sure to find out, what Perrin thinks. New episodes every week!


Title Date published
Season 2 Episode 1: Living in Quarantine Times 2020-05-14
Episode #5 - The college experience part 2, politics in visual media, and the black visual media that exist today 2020-01-11
Episode #4 - The college experience, and hopes for 2020! 2020-01-03
Episode #3 - Disney Plus, The Rise of Skywalker, Kevin Spacey, and Christmas 2019-12-31
Episode #2 - Star Wars, Wakanda, Impeachment, and fashion 2019-12-23
Episode #1 - Crisis on Infinite Earths, Christmas Sweater Story, Finding One’s Identity. 2019-12-12

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