Donny Fandango, Alex Ferrario, and Jeremy Rutherford LOVE to talk BLUES hockey. Donny from 105.7 The Point asks Alex and JR from 101ESPN questions from a typical STL hockey fan’s perspective and gets you pumped for the upcoming BLUES games.


Title Date published
Sundqvist suspension, Zach Sanford, Bruins attack plan 2019-05-31
Getting ready for Game 2, BLUES powerplay, and more 2019-05-25
David Backes, Tuukka Rask and that time Jamie died after a game 2019-05-23
Prepping for Game 6, plus Alexander Steen & Martin Jones talk 2019-05-21
Recovering from a loss, NHL officiating and Game 4 talk 2019-05-17
BLUES powerplay & a limo driver named Clyde 2019-05-15
How do we win Game 2 and do the NBC announcers hate The Blues? 2019-05-13

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