<p>A weekly programme that illuminates the mysteries and challenges the controversies behind the science that's changing our world.</p>


Title Date published
Visualising a black hole, Homo luzonensis, Two ways to overcome antimicrobial resistance 2019-04-11
Cretaceous catastrophe fossilised, LIGO and Virgo, Corals, Forensic shoeprint database 2019-04-04
UK pollinating insect numbers, Tracking whales using barnacles, Sleep signals 2019-03-28
Where next World Wide Web? Space rocks and worms 2019-03-21
Rules and ethics of genome editing, Gender, sex and sport, Hog roasts at Stonehenge 2019-03-14
A cure for HIV? Sleepy flies, Secrets of the Fukushima disaster, Science fact checking 2019-03-07
Falling carbon and rising methane; Unsung heroes at the Crick 2019-02-28
Mars - rovers v humans? Forests and carbon, Ethiopian bush crow 2019-02-21
Insect decline, Gut microbiome, Geomagnetic switching 2019-02-14
Sea Level Rise, Equine Flu, Generator Bricks, Iberian Genes 2019-02-07
Sprinting Neanderthals, Geodynamo, Spreading Sneezes and Dying Hares 2019-01-31
Ultima Thule, Dry January, Periodic Table 2019-01-04
Gene-edited twins, Placenta organoids in a dish, When the last leaves drop 2018-11-29
Mars InSight mission, Detecting dark matter, Redefining the kilogram, Bovine TB 2018-11-22
Bovine TB and badger culling, Shrimp hoover CSI, Shark-skin and Turing 2018-11-15
Oldest cave picture; the Anthropocene under London; a new scientist for the £50 note 2018-11-08
Repairing potholes, Ozone hole, Internet of hives, Drugs from fingerprints 2018-11-01
Science and Brexit, Antibiotic livestock growth promoters, Bepicolombo goes to Mercury 2018-10-25
Old Dogs and Physics in Space 2018-10-18
IPCC report, Cairngorms Connect project, grass pea, the Sun exhibition at Science Museum 2018-10-11

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