<p>Bi-weekly discussions on the latest trends in energy, cleantech, renewables, and the environment from Wood Mackenzie. Hosted by Ed Crooks.</p>


Title Date published
Making Sense of Donald Trump 2017-02-04
The Grid as a Digital Lab 2017-01-20
Autonomous Car Fleets: A Dystopian or Utopian Future? 2017-01-13
2016 Year-End Extravaganza 2016-12-14
Marijuana Legalization and Microgrids 2016-11-30
Chasing Donald Trump 2016-11-22
Art of the Deal: How Corporates Are Investing in Renewables 2016-11-18
President Trump's Energy Policy 2016-11-10
Tesla's Solar Roof: A Guide for Skeptics 2016-11-01
Making Stuff Is Hard 2016-10-31
A Civil War Over Carbon Taxes 2016-10-20
How Should We Pay for the Grid? 2016-10-19
Live From SXSW Eco 2016-10-14
Inside the Minds of Solar Consumers 2016-10-07
Donald Trump’s Energy Delusion 2016-09-27
Breaking Diesel Dependence on Small Island Nations 2016-09-23
America's Local Solar Politics 2016-09-13
Are We Making Global Energy Poverty Worse? 2016-09-01
Is an Offshore Wind Boom Coming for America? 2016-08-26
Extra: Wind Technology Trends 2016-08-23

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