Globetrotting and mind exploring comedian Shane Mauss interviews scientists each week on journey to answer the biggest questions about the meanings of life (as well as a bunch of other random stuff you never imagined you would care about). Favorite topics include: psychology, biology, evolution, cognitive biases, behavioral economics, mating, animal behavior, neuroscience, and the subconscious


Title Date published
Dolphins + Plankton 2015-06-15
Cognitive Bias + Loss Aversion 2015-06-08
Psychedelics + Philosophy 2015-06-01
Locusts + Ecosystems 2015-05-26
Cancer + Game Theory 2015-05-25
Stereotypes + Perception 2015-05-18
Social Organization + Insects 2015-05-11
Evolution of Eyes 2015-05-05
Orthopaedics + Health Care 2015-04-28
Perception + Reality 2015-04-21
Parenting + Female Orgasm 2015-04-14
Fitness + Handicap Principle 2015-04-07
Behind The Zoo 2015-03-30
3D Printed Dildos + Anal Probes 2015-03-24
Riddled With Life 2015-03-16
Out-Groups + Lesser Minds 2015-03-09
Emotion + Self Deception 2015-03-02
Evolution + Immigration 2015-02-23
Eye Surgery + Curing Blindness 2015-02-16
Marketing + Auto-Responses 2015-02-09

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