Music For The New Revolution is a podcast on music and social issues, co-produced and co-hosted by David Heitler-Klevans and Rodney Whittenberg.


Title Date published
Pete and Kathleen Higgins - Full Interview (Gun Control) 2019-12-25
Episode 9: Immigration (Part 1) 2019-08-14
Episode 8: Forgiveness (Part 2) 2019-06-29
Episode 7: Women/#metoo (guest hosts: Julie Beth, Jenny Heitler-Klevans, Anya Rose) 2019-02-15
Episode 6: Guns (Part 2) 2019-01-28
Episode 5: Guns (Part 1) 2018-08-30
Episode 4: Forgiveness (Part 1) 2018-01-24
Episode 3: In the Heat of the Summer 2017-09-02
Episode 2: The 2016 Election (Part 2) 2017-06-25
Episode 1: The 2016 Election (Part 1) 2017-05-03

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