<p><em>The Radio Free Hillsdale Hour</em> is a one-hour, weekly radio show/podcast advancing the efforts of Hillsdale College in radiating its knowledge and teaching to the world outside of campus. Listeners will hear the arguments and debates that make up the liberal arts education and will experience the learning and teaching that happens on campus. Hosted by Scot Bertram.</p>


Title Date published
Kathleen O'Toole Defines American Classical Education 2023-09-01
The Story of Biden's Disastrous Exit From Afghanistan 2023-08-25
Gad Saad Unpacks His Secrets to Happiness 2023-08-18
Michael Anton on the Founders' Vision for American Foreign Policy 2023-08-11
Glenn Ellmers Reveals The Roots Our Broken Politics 2023-08-04
Mollie Hemingway Has The Playbook to Fix Our Elections 2023-07-28
Kimberley Strassel Wants To Reverse The Biden Malaise 2023-07-21
Matthew Mehan Shares the Magic of Children's Literature 2023-07-14
Heather Mac Donald Shows The Danger Of Forced Equity 2023-07-07
Hadley Arkes on the Anchoring Truths of the Constitution 2023-06-30
Amul Thapar Says Clarence Thomas Is "The People's Justice" 2023-06-23
Peachy Keenan On How to Win the Culture War 2023-06-16
Andrew Puzder Exposes the Failures of the Biden Economy 2023-06-09
Hans von Spakovsky on Protecting the Integrity of Elections 2023-06-02
Brandon Weichert Warns Us About China's Plans to Weaponize Biotech 2023-05-26
Brad Birzer Explains How the War of 1812 Changed the Republic 2023-05-19
David Bernhardt Takes Us Inside the Administrative State 2023-05-12
Daniel Tacke Tells Us About the Art of Composing Music 2023-05-05
Connor Boyack Explains How Government Schools are Failing Today's Students 2023-04-28
Victor Davis Hanson Tries to Save America 2023-04-21

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