Making sense of our political hell every Tuesday and Friday! Oh God, What Now? is the no-bulls**t politics podcast, making the unbearable bearable with top quality guests and analysis, plus poor quality jokes.  Regulars include: Dorian Lynskey, author of The Ministry Of Truth: A Biography of Orwell’s 1984 and host of Origin Story • Writer and commentator Ros Taylor • Rachel Cunliffe of the New Statesman • Writer and host of This Is Not A Drill Gavin Esler • Social affairs journalist Hannah Fearn • Comedian Matt Green • The Lead's Westminster Editor Zoë Grünewald • Group Editor Andrew Harrison • Journalist Marie Le Conte • Podmasters Managing Editor Jacob Jarvis • New Statesman columnist Jonn Elledge • Guardian writer Rafael Behr Sign up and get ad-free shows earlier than anyone else: Oh God, What Now? is a Podmasters production


Title Date published
Brexit Day: Not with a bong but a whimper 2020-01-31
So Long And Thanks For All The Fish – plus special guest Ian Murray MP 2020-01-24
The Bong Remains Insane 2020-01-17
Into 2020: Fake Unity and Labour’s Future 2020-01-10
The Remainiacs Annual Christmas Messages 2019-12-24
Apodcalypse Now: Remainiacs Live in London 17 Dec 2019 2019-12-20
Election aftermath – The long road ahead 2019-12-13
155: “YES, THERE IS HOPE.” The Election Endgame edition 2019-12-11
BONUS PODCAST: All We Want For Brexmas is EU - Live from Leicester Square Theatre 2019-12-09
154: HIGH STAKES, LOW TACTICS: Election endgame 2019-12-06
153: LET'S GET TACTICAL, the legacy of Empire and more Ask Remainiacs 2019-11-29
152: CORBYN & JOHNSON'S TRUDGE MATCH, plus polls, manifestos and ASK REMAINIACS 2019-11-22
151: BORIS, IT'S COLD OUTSIDE with guest Peter Foster of the Telegraph 2019-11-15
BONUS AUDIO COLUMN: It’s time to tell them “NO” says ALEX ANDREOU 2019-11-15
BONUS PODCAST: Remainiacs Live in Manchester with guest Rob Ford 2019-11-10
FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE: Election Week One 2019-11-08
149: CAMPAIGN STUPOR-NOVA with guest John Crace 2019-10-31
BONUS BIT: Ian Dunt guests on On The House 2019-10-25
148: INTERMISSION IMPOSSIBLE with guest John Curtice 2019-10-23
147: EMERGENCY PODCAST: Remain for the LetWIN 2019-10-19

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