Neurosurgeon and award-winning author Dr. W. Lee Warren, MD delivers daily prescriptions from neuroscience, faith, and common sense on how to lead a healthier, better, happier life. You can’t change your life until you change your mind, and Dr. Warren will teach you the art of self brain surgery to get it done. His new book, Hope Is the First Dose, is available everywhere books are sold.


Title Date published
Red Light/Green Light Revisited 2022-12-19
Heads or Tails? The difference is stunning. 2022-12-18
Self Brain Surgery Saturday: Two Helpful Tips 2022-12-17
The Year of Favor: How to Get There 2022-12-16
Quiet Time: Psalm 23 2022-12-15
When Holidays Are Hard 2022-12-14
Tuesdays with Tata #69 (Classic): A Story About Hope 2022-12-13
Mind Change Monday: Theology and Self Brain Surgery 2022-12-12
The Breath in Your Lungs 2022-12-11
Self Brain Surgery Saturday: Bandaids for Broken Bones 2022-12-10
Friday Conversation: Paul Baloche 2022-12-09
10 Ways to Be Super Miserable In Your Life 2022-12-08
Music and Books the Will Change Your Mind, Part 1: Brenton Brown and Some of My Favorite Reads of 2022 2022-12-07
Tuesdays with Tata #67: Moses, Idols, and Who We Look To 2022-12-06
Mind Change Monday: Three Decisions 2022-12-05
Quiet Time: What We Need 2022-12-04
Self-Brain Surgery Saturday: Ablate Self-Advocacy 2022-12-03
Friday Conversation: Designed to Heal 2022-12-02
How to Be Infinitely Happier 2022-12-01
Tuesdays with Tata #66 Classic: Just a Little Talk 2022-11-29

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