Making sense of our political hell every Tuesday and Friday! Oh God, What Now? is the no-bulls**t politics podcast, making the unbearable bearable with top quality guests and analysis, plus poor quality jokes.  Regulars include: Dorian Lynskey, author of The Ministry Of Truth: A Biography of Orwell’s 1984 and host of Origin Story • Writer and commentator Ros Taylor • Rachel Cunliffe of the New Statesman • Writer and host of This Is Not A Drill Gavin Esler • Social affairs journalist Hannah Fearn • Comedian Matt Green • The Lead's Westminster Editor Zoë Grünewald • Group Editor Andrew Harrison • Journalist Marie Le Conte • Podmasters Managing Editor Jacob Jarvis • New Statesman columnist Jonn Elledge • Guardian writer Rafael Behr Sign up and get ad-free shows earlier than anyone else: Oh God, What Now? is a Podmasters production


Title Date published
29: THE €50bn DIVORCE: Bills, spills and idiot principles 2017-12-01
28: BRELIEVERS SPECIAL - Any Regrets? 2017-11-24
27: Crunch time for Tory Brexit Mutineers? 2017-11-17
26: GRAND THEFT DEMOCRACY: Did bots buy Brexit? 2017-11-10
25: Secret Surveys and Dodgy Donations 2017-11-03
24: Germansplaining Brexit plus Orwell Book Club 2017-10-27
23: The One With Mitch Benn 2017-10-20
22: Brexit: The No Deal Means Doom Edition 2017-10-13
Tory Co ference Special 2017-10-06
AL MURRAY versus Brexit 2017-09-29
The one with Gina Miller 2017-09-22
The One With Nick Cohen 2017-09-15
March For Europe Minicast 2017-09-10
"WHY WOULD ANYONE COME HERE?" The Home Office EU Immigration Paper Explained 2017-09-08
STARMZY TO THE RESCUE? Has Keir Starmer sorted Labour's Brexit stance? 2017-09-01
BREXIT BEDLAM: The faith-based economics edition 2017-08-25
OFFSIDE! Post-Brexit soccer, customs chaos and the War on Centrism 2017-08-18
BREXIT LATEST: The Baldrick Ultimatum 2017-08-11
BREXIT BUST-UP: Don Felipe vs Dirty Davis 2017-08-04
BREXIT VS. DINNER: The Chicken à la Chlorine edition 2017-07-28

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