This feed includes all episodes of Paul's Security Weekly, Enterprise Security Weekly, Business Security Weekly, Application Security Weekly, and Security Weekly News! Your one-stop shop for all things Security Weekly!


Title Date published
Naughty Tesla, Flipper Zero, Rilide, Styx, Genesis, Sophos, Cisco, Meta, and More - SWN #287 2023-04-07
Impact of New US National Cybersecurity Strategy on Organizations Building With OSS - Donald Fischer - ESW #312 2023-04-07
Financial Institutions Under Siege in Cyberspace - Tom Kellermann - ESW #312 2023-04-06
Rorschach, QNAP, We Got Hacked, SystemD, UTF-8, & Grub2 Music - PSW #779 2023-04-06
Cybersecurity Workforce Development - Sin Ming Loo - PSW #779 2023-04-06
Ask the BSW Hosts Anything! - BSW #300 2023-04-05
BingBang, Super FabriXss, 3CX on macOS, Secure Code Game, Real World Crypto 2023 - ASW #235 2023-04-05
The Journey to Episode 300 - BSW #300 2023-04-04
ProtoCell Phones, KEV, Efile, 3CX, Western Digital , NATO, More News & Jason Wood - SWN #286 2023-04-04
Learning eBPF - Liz Rice - ASW #235 2023-04-04
AI Can't Stop, Won't Stop; Early Stage Funding is Strong; YouTubers Hacked - ESW #311 2023-03-31
TREXes, WooCommerce, 3CX, Zimbra, OneNote, ChatGPT, ProPump, & Aaran Leyland - SWN #285 2023-03-31
Unpacking the White House National Cybersecurity Strategy - Josh Corman - ESW #311 2023-03-31
The RESTRICT Act, Intel's Attack Surface, & Stop Developing AI (For 6 Months) - PSW #778 2023-03-30
Firmware Hacking! Reversing and Exploitation - Philippe Laulheret - PSW #778 2023-03-30
CISO, The Board, and Cybersecurity - Enough Said! - BSW #299 2023-03-29
OpenAI Info Leak, BitCoin ATM Hack, GitHub RSA SSH Key, Measuring AI Security - ASW #234 2023-03-29
You DO Security, You Do Not HAVE Security - Melissa Bischoping - BSW #299 2023-03-28
Twitter, Tax Scams, Microsoft, Executive Orders, Pwn2Own, more News & Jason Wood - SWN #284 2023-03-28
Real-life Examples. Benefits, Risk & Security Implications of AI - Frank Catucci - ASW #234 2023-03-28

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