The official podcast of, the GWJCC is our way of providing a podcast that feels like you are hanging out with friends after a long day in the office. We strive for smart, in-depth discussions about the latest games and gaming-related news, as well as light, playful tangents. We're always thrilled to talk about the new hotness, explore fun and strange indie gems, and revisit games old and new.


Title Date published
GWJ Conference Call Episode 222 2011-01-12
GWJ Conference Call Episode 221 2011-01-05
GWJ Conference Call Episode 220 2010-12-29
GWJ Conference Call Episode 219 2010-12-22
GWJ Conference Call Episode 218 2010-12-15
GWJ Conference Call Episode 217 2010-12-08
GWJ Conference Call Episode 216 2010-12-01
GWJ Conference Call Episode 215 2010-11-24
GWJ Conference Call Episode 213 2010-11-17
GWJ Conference Call Episode 213 2010-11-10
GWJ Conference Call Episode 212 2010-11-03
GWJ Conference Call Episode 211 2010-10-27
GWJ Conference Call Episode 210 2010-10-20
GWJ Conference Call Episode 209 2010-10-13
GWJ Conference Call Episode 208 2010-10-06
GWJ Conference Call Episode 207 2010-09-29
GWJ Conference Call Episode 206 2010-09-22
GWJ Conference Call Episode 205 2010-09-15
GWJ Conference Call Episode 204 2010-09-08
GWJ Conference Call Episode 203 2010-09-01

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