Making sense of our political hell every Tuesday and Friday! Oh God, What Now? is the no-bulls**t politics podcast, making the unbearable bearable with top quality guests and analysis, plus poor quality jokes.  Regulars include: Dorian Lynskey, author of The Ministry Of Truth: A Biography of Orwell’s 1984 and host of Origin Story • Writer and commentator Ros Taylor • Rachel Cunliffe of the New Statesman • Writer and host of This Is Not A Drill Gavin Esler • Social affairs journalist Hannah Fearn • Comedian Matt Green • The Lead's Westminster Editor Zoë Grünewald • Group Editor Andrew Harrison • Journalist Marie Le Conte • Podmasters Managing Editor Jacob Jarvis • New Statesman columnist Jonn Elledge • Guardian writer Rafael Behr Sign up and get ad-free shows earlier than anyone else: Oh God, What Now? is a Podmasters production


Title Date published
Failure to Relaunch 2024-03-22
Banging Your Head Against a Red Wall 2024-03-19
The End of the Tories as We Know Them (and I Feel Fine?) 2024-03-15
30p Lee: You Can’t Fire Me, I Quit! 2024-03-12
Kicking the Budget 2024-03-08
Is Galloway the game-changer he thinks he is? 2024-03-05
Sunak, Bigotry and 30p Lee 2024-03-01
Man Behaving Bad Lee 2024-02-27
David Cameron – Best of the Worst of the Worst? 2024-02-23
Stop Talking Britain Down, Brexiteers! 2024-02-20
EmergencyCast: You Only Lose Twice 2024-02-16
New Labour Derangement Syndrome 2024-02-15
Backtrack to the Future? 2024-02-13
Episode 500! The Brexit Bunch – These We Have Loved To Hate 2024-02-09
Can We Fix It? We're Not Sure! 2024-02-06
Jumping on the ban wagon 2024-02-02
Brexit: New ways for it to ruin everything! 2024-01-30
Is Britain fundamentally conservative? 2024-01-29
Attack of the ‘Will of the People’! 2024-01-23
Rebels without a clue 2024-01-18

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