Save more and spend less is more than just a motto for money expert Clark Howard; it’s a way of life. Clark and his crew — Team Clark — are on a mission to empower people to take control of their personal finances by providing money-saving tips, consumer advice, hot deals and economic news to help everyone achieve financial freedom. Clark is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host and a consumer reporter for television stations around the country. His podcast, The Clark Howard Show, receives more than one million downloads each month and is a hub for listeners to get valuable advice on-demand any time. Clark answers questions on the most popular business and consumer topics including; how to buy a cars, financing a home, retirement planning, shopping for insurance and getting the most out of your savings. Join the conversation and submit your question to . Clark spearheads two free resources — and — to encourage consumers to save more, spend less and avoid ripoffs.


Title Date published
2.18.20 Reverse mortgages are disastrous; Fake high-interest bank accounts; Money-saving travel tips 2020-02-18
2.17.20 Becoming a boring investor; TV's spying on us; What to do after a car accident 2020-02-17
2.14.20 Where to get cheap eye exams; Clark Stinks 2020-02-14
2.13.20 Insurance companies are ripping teachers off; Bitcoin ponzi scheme; Jobs that don't require a college degree 2020-02-13
2.12.20 Amazon vs Costco; Maxing out your credit cards; Cheap home security options expanded 2020-02-12
2.11.20 T-Mobile and Sprint Merger; Businesses profit sharing; Password management tools 2020-02-11
2.10.20 Tesla stock massive fluctuations; No-good debit cards; Small business ransomware needs skyrocketing 2020-02-10
2.7.20 Mortgage rates are incredibly low right now; Clark Stinks 2020-02-07
2.6.20 Trading in a car that isn't paid off; US Bank fired employee for good deed; Save $ on Valentine's Day 2020-02-06
2.5.20 Free tax filing options; Student loan company makes stupid mistake; Visa changing processing fees 2020-02-05
2.4.20 Prevent prescription drug mistakes; Winter clothing deals; Student loan forgiveness update 2020-02-05
2.3.20 Zero-commission trading becoming standard; Fake bank email scam; Fixing our loneliness problem 2020-02-03
1.31.20 Variable pricing gets crazier with travel sites; Clark Stinks 2020-01-31
1.30.20 Paying surrender fees is worth it to ditch high costs; Ford owes drivers millions after court settlement 2020-01-30
1.29.20 Cheap eyeglasses and contacts; FDA condemns Purell claims; Delete info Facebook has on you 2020-01-29
1.28.20 Google ad result confusing changes; Car insurance auto rates rising 2020-01-28
1.27.20 Coronavirus impact; FedEx email scam; FICO credit score changes 2020-01-27
1.24.20 Clark's self-installed $8 a month security system; Clark Stinks 2020-01-24
1.23.20 Planning for retirement; Employer pays off employee mortgage; Income share agreements instead of student loans 2020-01-23
1.22.20 Internet privacy law for minors; Paper check fraud grows; Socially responsible investing 2020-01-22

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