Globetrotting and mind exploring comedian Shane Mauss interviews scientists each week on journey to answer the biggest questions about the meanings of life (as well as a bunch of other random stuff you never imagined you would care about). Favorite topics include: psychology, biology, evolution, cognitive biases, behavioral economics, mating, animal behavior, neuroscience, and the subconscious


Title Date published
Schtick + Business Part 1 2020-04-07
(Pandemic Edition) Guilty Pressures 2020-04-06
(Pandemic Edition) Exponential Growth & Emotions 2020-04-03
(Pandemic Edition) Math + Virus + Us 2020-03-31
(Pandemic Edition) Scarcity and Marketing 2020-03-28
(Pandemic Edition) History and Literature of Disease 2020-03-28
(Pandemic Edition) Zombie Apocalypse Medicine 2020-03-27
(Pandemic Edition) Animals & Societies 2020-03-26
Disgust & Morality (Pandemic Edition) 2020-03-24
Teaching + Learning + Strategy 2020-03-24
Birds + Brains 2020-03-19
Brains + Language 2020-03-08
Cognitive Bias + Decision Making 2020-03-02
Cognition + Consciousness 2020-02-19
Fort Worth Zoo Part 3: Medical Care + Animals 2020-02-17
Insects + Flying + Breathing 2020-02-06
Psilocybin + Retreat (Bonus Episode!) 2020-02-03
Fort Worth Zoo Part 2: Pollinators + Butterflies + Milkweed 2020-02-01
Fort Worth Zoo Part 1: Animals + Nutrition 2020-01-28
Television + Social Connection 2020-01-24

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