Cross Examining ideas against the truth and Christianity. Brought to you by and


Title Date published
Love People with the Truth, Even If They Hate You For It 2023-01-24
How to Teach Your Children (and Yourself) WHY Christianity is True | with Shanda Fulbright 2023-01-20
How Should We Read the Book of Genesis? | with Dr. John Walton 2023-01-17
Will You Stand UNSHAKEN? | with Alisa Childers and Natasha Crain 2023-01-13
C.S. Lewis LIVE! (almost) | with Max McLean 2023-01-10
When Your Opponent Cheats, What Should You Do? | with Dr. John Ferrer 2023-01-06
Why Earth and the Universe are Designed to the Core | with Dr. Hugh Ross 2023-01-03
A Good and True Story | with Paul Gould 2022-12-30
Why Does God Hide? | with Michael Jones and Eric Hernandez 2022-12-27
Is God a Vindictive Bully? | with Paul Copan 2022-12-23
The Apologetic and Intellectual Adventures of Douglas Groothuis 2022-12-20
Stealing Standards from God 2022-12-16
On Mission to End Sex Trafficking | with Victor Marx 2022-12-13
The Trauma to Triumph Story of Victor Marx 2022-12-09
Examining Historical Evidence for the Resurrection | with Mike Licona 2022-12-06
Is it Wrong to Doubt? | with Travis Dickinson 2022-12-02
The lies that are killing us: A conversation about suicide | with Jon Noyes 2022-11-29
Scribes & Scripture: How We Got the Bible | with John Meade & Peter Gurry 2022-11-25
Who Created and Fine-Tuned the Universe? | With Dr. William Lane Craig 2022-11-22
Why “Don’t Take God’s Name in Vain” is Not What You Think | with Dr. Carmen Imes 2022-11-18

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