This feed includes all episodes of Paul's Security Weekly, Enterprise Security Weekly, Business Security Weekly, Application Security Weekly, and Security Weekly News! Your one-stop shop for all things Security Weekly!


Title Date published
Shifting Right: What Security Engineers Can Learn From DevSecOps - Leif Dreizler - ASW #146 2021-04-05
Ubiquiti Breach, Tesla, PHP, & More Sagas - PSW #689 2021-04-04
Cybersecurity Journalist - Robert Lemos - PSW #689 2021-04-03
The Intersection of Cybersecurity & Cryptocurrency - Nick Percoco - PSW #689 2021-04-03
Tyler's "Deathpool", Astadia, Gigamon, & GRIMM - ESW #222 2021-04-02
Why User Adoption in Enterprise Security is Low - Juliet Okafor - ESW #222 2021-04-02
Rise of Insider Threat Post-C19 - Zack Moody - ESW #222 2021-04-01
Vulnerability Management is Still a Mess - Part 2 - Rafal Los - SCW #67 2021-04-01
Vulnerability Management is Still a Mess - Part 1 - Rafal Los - SCW #67 2021-03-31
Business Leader, CISO Skills, & Building Your Cybersecurity A-Team - BSW #211 2021-03-31
How NDR Technology Helps Manage Cybersecurity Challenges - Nemi George - BSW #211 2021-03-30
TikTok Analysis, Patching Patches, CI/CD Integrity, Faster Fuzzing, & Slack Safety - ASW #145 2021-03-30
OWASP Top 10 of 2021 - Andrew van der Stock - ASW #145 2021-03-29
Open Redirects - An Underestimated Vulnerability - PSW #688 2021-03-28
DOOM Exploit, iPhone Deep Fakes, & 11 0-Days Infect Devices - PSW #688 2021-03-27
Taming Vulnerability Overload - Mehul Revankar - PSW #688 2021-03-27
Axis Security, Qualys, VMware, NFTs, & Linksys/Fortinet - ESW #221 2021-03-26
"Jump-Start Your SOC Analyst Career" - Jarrett Rodrick - ESW #221 2021-03-26
Platform Security - PaaS & Hosting - Trey Ford - ESW #221 2021-03-25
PlexTrac Talks PCI, Part 2 - Dan DeCloss, Shawn Scott - SCW #66 2021-03-25

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