Join Holly and Tracy as they bring you the greatest and strangest Stuff You Missed In History Class in this podcast by iHeartRadio.


Title Date published
Wreck of the Ten Sail 2014-04-16
The Count of Saint-Germain 2014-04-14
The Pig War 2014-04-09
King Eric XIV of Sweden 2014-04-07
Crucifixion in the Greco-Roman World 2014-04-02
Rose Bertin: The First Fashion Designer 2014-03-31
Ambrose Bierce 2014-03-26
Elizabeth Blackwell, America's First Female M.D. 2014-03-24
China's Foot Binding Tradition 2014-03-19
13 Reasons for the American Revolution 2014-03-17
Everest: Getting to the Top of the World, Pt. 2 2014-03-12
Everest: Getting to the Top of the World, Pt. 1 2014-03-10
It's the Jane Austen Episode! 2014-03-05
The Peralta Grant and the Baron of Arizona 2014-03-03
The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters 2014-02-26
The Disappearance of Judge Joseph Force Crater 2014-02-24
Maurice Duplessis, 'Le Chef' of Quebec, Pt. 2 2014-02-19
Maurice Duplessis, 'Le Chef' of Quebec, Pt. 1 2014-02-17
Abelard and Heloise 2014-02-12
Giacomo Casanova 2014-02-10

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