The Podcast "Heart of a Heartless World" of the Religion and Socialism Commission of the Democratic Socialists of America.


Title Date published
The End of the World, As We Know It: Faith and Ecosocialism beyond Apocalypse 2020-11-13
How Faith Traditions Can Strengthen Socialist Movements w/ Bhaskar Sunkara & Rev. Andrew Wilkes 2020-10-20
Building Inclusive Movement for Economic Justice 2020-09-14
Liberation Theology vs. Law-and-Order Theology 2020-08-19
Rev. Andrew Wilkes calls for a Moral Coalition to Create Lasting Structural Change 2020-07-09
KRJ on Defunding the Police, Christian/Buddhist spirituality, and her NYC City Council Campaign 2020-06-24
Imaan Javeed on the Connections between Socialism and Islam 2020-05-22
Dr. Edgar Rivera Colón on the Latinx Community, Sexuality, and the Churches 2020-05-08
Dr. Edgar Rivera Colón sobre la comunidad latinx, la sexualidad, y las iglesias 2020-05-08
Heart of a Heartless World -Catholicism, Socialism, and Healthcare with Colleen Shaddox 2020-04-24
Jay Forth on the connection between capitalism, evangelicalism, and a state of indebtedness 2020-02-07
Maxine Phillips: Leader of the DSA's Religion and Socialism Working Group 2019-12-30
Daniel Soyer on Jewish Labor Bund History in Europe and America (Part II) 2019-10-22
The Warsaw Uprising Anniversary, Part 1: Irena Klepfisz, Jewish Lesbian Poet and Activist 2019-04-19
Lutheran climate organizer Shay O'Reilly on demonic forces, white supremacy and climate change 2019-03-19
Storyteller Kelli Dunham on her journey from nun to nurse and queer comedian 2019-02-07
Rabbi Michael Feinberg on multi-faith labor organizing and what he learned from the Catholic left 2018-11-06
Julien Baker is a queer, Christian, socialist — we had to talk to her 2018-06-24
"If religion doesn't allow us to build bridges, it becomes a drug" —Rev. Juan Carlos Ruiz 2018-03-31
Avi Garelick on Gentrification, BDS and the Jewish Concept of Redemption 2018-01-31

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