Financial Therapist, Mamapreneur, Founder of Art of Money year-long program & Author of The Art of Money book.


Title Date published
Sudden Money. What to do in big money + life transitions. 2020-08-12
The Art Of Money Book Reading - Boulder Bookstore 2020-08-11
Debt Triage in the time of Covid-19 2020-05-15
Navigating student loans during the COVID crisis. 2020-04-09
Hard-earned money lessons from one serial entrepreneur {Money Memoir} 2020-01-22
Randi Buckley’s journey out of money shame and debt 2020-01-19
How this Millennial Financial Planner supports the LGBTQ+ community 2020-01-17
Christina Rasmussen’s journey through money and loss 2020-01-16
My chat with financial powerhouse Manisha Thakor 2020-01-14
What it really takes to support your family as Single Mom + Solo Entrepreneur 2020-01-11
How to savvy up your biz model. 5 phases of my biz and how to grow on YOUR terms. 2019-10-23
My top 11 tips for talking money with your honey 2019-10-18
27 ways to make a “Money Date” your own. 2019-10-17
How this one simple tool saved my butt on stage, and how it can change your money life for good. 2019-10-16
What happens when money meets social justice with Rachel Robasciotti. 2019-08-03
Racheal Cook on pricing, biz models and revenue streams for your business. 2019-07-19
Money pioneer Saundra Davis opens up about race, the wealth gap, and what real change takes. 2019-05-22
What to do when you’re in financial fight-flight-freeze. My bathtub story. 2019-05-22
The True Story of How I Hired + Fired a CFO in 3 Weeks Flat 2019-04-02
Growing up in a wealthy family has its own set of pain points. Rebecca articulates these so openly. 2019-02-08

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