If you love Celtic music, then welcome to Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Each week, you'll receive an hour-long award-winning Celtic radio show featuring some of the best independent Irish & Celtic music, and all 100% FREE! It is one of the top music podcasts on iTunes and receives over 10,000 downloads of each show each and every week. You can subscribe to have it automatically download through your favorite podcast player. Did I mention, it was FREE? All songs are used with permission of the artists and copyrights holders.


Title Date published
2-Hour Best Celtic Music Retrospective #296 2017-02-16
In the Name of Love #295 2017-02-09
Wild Mountain Thyme #294 2017-02-02
Together with Celtic Music #293 2017-01-26
Scottish Music #292 2017-01-19
Thru Your Irish Eyes #291 2017-01-12
Instrumental Celtic Music #290 2017-01-05
Auld Lang Syne #289 2016-12-29
Celtic Peace Maker #288 2016-12-22
Irish & Celtic Christmas #287 2016-12-15
December Celtic Music #286 2016-12-01
Thanksgiving with Celtic Music #285 2016-11-24
2-Hours of On Fire Celtic Music #284 2016-11-17
Great Celtic Music Hiding at Renaissance Festivals #283 2016-11-10
Election Day Reprieve #282 2016-11-03
Celtic Halloween #281 2016-10-27
Work and Dance #280 2016-10-20
Cead Mile Failte #279 2016-10-13
Women of Celtic Music #278 Bonus 2016-10-06
Women of Celtic Music #278 2016-10-06

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