A weekly podcast focused on what's happening in the Kubernetes community hosted by Abdel Sghiouar and Kaslin Fields. We cover Kubernetes, cloud-native applications, and other developments in the ecosystem. Abdel and Kaslin on Twitter at @KubernetesPod or by email at kubernetespodcast@google.com.


Title Date published
Kubecost, with Webb Brown 2020-10-06
Leader Election, with Mike Danese 2020-09-29
Grafana, with Torkel Ödegaard 2020-09-22
TiKV, TiDB and PingCAP, with Ed Huang 2020-09-15
Airbnb, with Melanie Cebula 2020-09-08
Keptn, with Alois Reitbauer 2020-09-02
Kubernetes 1.19, with Taylor Dolezal 2020-08-25
Communication and KubeCon, with Constance Caramanolis 2020-08-18
Independent Open Source, with Alex Ellis 2020-08-11
Minikube Redux, with Thomas Strömberg 2020-08-04
Scheduling, with David Oppenheimer 2020-07-28
Instrumentation and cAdvisor, with David Ashpole 2020-07-21
Open Source and the Open Usage Commons, with Chris DiBona 2020-07-15
Scalability, with Wojciech Tyczynski 2020-07-07
Mirantis, with Adrian Ionel 2020-07-01
Kubermatic, with Sebastian Scheele 2020-06-24
The Financial Times, with Sarah Wells and Dimitar Terziev 2020-06-17
CNCF: Under New Management, with Priyanka Sharma 2020-06-10
CoreDNS, with John Belamaric 2020-06-02
Cloud Foundry, with Chip Childers 2020-05-26

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