We surprise some of the world's brightest minds with ideas they're not at all prepared to discuss. With host Jason Gots and special guests Neil Gaiman, Alan Alda, Salman Rushdie, Mary-Louise Parker, Richard Dawkins, Margaret Atwood, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, Saul Williams, Henry Rollins, Bill Nye, George Takei, Maria Popova, and many more . . . You've got 10 minutes with Einstein. What do you talk about? Black holes? Time travel? Why not gambling? The Art of War? Contemporary parenting? Some of the best conversations happen when we're pushed outside of our comfort zones. So each week on Think Again, we surprise smart people you've probably heard of with hand-picked gems from Big Think's interview archives on every imaginable subject. The conversation could go anywhere. SINCE 2008, BIG THINK has captured on video the best ideas of the world’s leading thinkers and doers in every field, renowned experts including neurologist Oliver Sacks, physicist Stephen Hawking, behavioral psychologist Daniel Kahneman, authors Margaret Atwood and Marylinne Robinson, entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, painter Chuck Close, and philosopher Daniel Dennett.


Title Date published
176. Area 51 and the epistemology of the unexplained - Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell (filmmaker) 2018-12-22
175. Helen Riess (psychiatrist) – Empathy in the brain and the world 2018-12-15
174. Ruth Whippman (writer) – A mindful, productive, super-positive nation of nervous wrecks 2018-12-08
173. Wesley Yang (writer) - The Souls of Yellow Folk 2018-12-01
172. A trans family in the holy land 2018-11-24
171. Michelle Thaller (NASA astronomer) on ​the multiple dimensions of space and human sexuality 2018-11-17
170. Lynsey Addario (photojournalist) – on art, love, and war 2018-11-10
169. Ben Marcus' reality is only slightly askew from our own 2018-11-03
168. Michael Palin (writer and comic) – So long as there was laughter, I was safe 2018-10-27
167. Gary Shteyngart (writer) - Reality catches up to dystopian fiction 2018-10-20
166. Manoush Zomorodi (journalist) — How blockchain might save journalism. Maybe. 2018-10-13
165. Man Booker prize winners Olga Tokarczuk (author) and Jennifer Croft (translator) — As fact and fiction blur, America’s finally ready for Olga Tokarczuk 2018-10-06
164. Jill Lepore (Historian) – Why America keeps going to pieces 2018-09-29
163. Four Letter You – Merve Emre (scholar and critic) 2018-09-22
162. Emily Nemens (Editor, The Paris Review) — The Literary Industrial Complex 2018-09-15
161. Congo: This Seemingly Impossible Knot – Daniel McCabe (documentary filmmaker) 2018-08-18
160. Bassem Youssef (political satirist) – Now I Have to Answer for This? 2018-08-11
159. Change is Made by the Ones Who Stay – Paula Eiselt (documentary filmmaker) 2018-08-04
158. Parker Posey (actor) – I See a Dachshund In You 2018-07-28
157. The Spiders From Mars – Jason Heller (Hugo Award-winning writer) 2018-07-21

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