Following the events of Marvel’s “Wolverine: The Long Night,” Logan (Richard Armitage) returns to New Orleans in search of redemption, only to discover that dozens of humans and mutants have gone missing. Thanks for listening on Apple Podcasts!


Title Date published
Deal with the Devil 2019-09-02
Greenhaven is Everywhere 2019-08-26
The Proposition 2019-08-19
Welcome to Greenhaven 2019-08-12
Blood on the Bayou 2019-08-05
Riverboat Revival 2019-07-29
Into the Swamp 2019-07-22
The Cold Blooded 2019-07-15
The Forgotten 2019-07-08
Among the Missing 2019-05-29
Marvel’s “Wolverine: The Lost Trail” - Trailer 2019-03-25

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