Home to the world's largest collection of Shakespeare materials. Advancing knowledge and the arts. Discover it all at www.folger.edu. Shakespeare turns up in the most interesting places—not just literature and the stage, but science and social history as well. Our "Shakespeare Unlimited" podcast explores the fascinating and varied connections between Shakespeare, his works, and the world around us.


Title Date published
Mary Zimmerman on Adapting Ovid and Directing Shakespeare 2024-05-07
Judi Dench On Seven Decades of Shakespeare, with Brendan O’Hea 2024-04-23
Shakespeare and the Environment, with Todd Andrew Borlik 2024-04-09
Ramie Targoff on Women Writers of the English Renaissance 2024-03-26
Green World: Michelle Ephraim on Discovering Shakespeare and Reevaluating The Merchant of Venice 2024-03-12
Eddie Izzard on Performing Hamlet Solo 2024-02-27
Shakespeare and Disgust, with Bradley J. Irish 2024-02-13
Rita Dove on Shakespeare and Her Poem of Welcome for the Folger 2024-01-30
John Guy And Julia Fox on Their New Biography of Anne Boleyn 2024-01-16
David and Ben Crystal Share Shakespeare Quotations for Your Everyday Life 2024-01-02
What Happened to the Princes in the Tower, with Philippa Langley 2023-12-19
Will Somer: Peter K. Andersson on Henry VIII's Court Fool 2023-12-05
Isabelle Schuler on Lady Macbeth and Queen Hereafter 2023-11-21
400 Years of Shakespeare's First Folio, with Emma Smith 2023-11-07
The Bloomsbury Group and Shakespeare, with Marjorie Garber 2023-10-24
Patrick Stewart on a Life Shaped by Shakespeare 2023-10-10
Michael Patrick Thornton on Learning to Breathe Again with Shakespeare 2023-09-26
The Many Lives of John Donne with Katherine Rundell 2023-09-12
Shakespeare and the Ocean, with Steve Mentz 2023-08-29
Farah Karim-Cooper on The Great White Bard 2023-08-15

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