"Work" is broken. We're overcommitted, underutilized, and out of whack. But it doesn't have to be this way. What Works is a podcast about rethinking work, business, and leadership as we navigate the 21st-century economy. When you're an entrepreneur, independent worker, or employee who doesn't want to lose yourself to the whims of late-stage capitalism, this show is for you. Host Tara McMullin covers money, management, culture, media, philosophy, and more to figure out what's working (and what's not) today. Tara offers a distinctly interdisciplinary approach to deep-dive analysis of how we work and how work shapes us.


Title Date published
EP 438: Counterfeit Financial Culture with Manisha Thakor 2023-08-07
EP 437: Leaving the Cult of Never Enough with Manisha Thakor 2023-08-03
This is Not Advice: How Flexibility is Used and Abused 2023-07-31
EP 436: The Myth of Rugged Individualism—and Hope for Something More (Remix) 2023-07-27
EP 435: Self-Control, Surveillance, and the Body at Work (Classic) 2023-07-20
This is Not Advice: Beyond Creating Versus Consuming 2023-07-17
EP 434: What do we really want from social media? with Jay Acunzo 2023-07-13
EP 433: What is Capitalist Realism? with Iggy Perillo 2023-07-06
This is Not Advice: Accessibility Beyond the Checklist 2023-07-03
EP 432: Queer Failure with Kate Tyson 2023-06-29
EP 431: The Shoulds and Supposed-tos of Baking 2023-06-22
This is Not Advice: Who is Responsible for Adapting? 2023-06-20
EP 430: Why Does Authenticity So Often Feel Fake? 2023-06-15
EP 429: Maybe bigger isn't better? 2023-06-12
EP 428: "You paid WHAT for that?!" Or, How Echo Chambers Distort Prices and How We Think 2023-06-08
This is Not Advice: Making Work That Can't Be Sold 2023-06-05
EP 427: The Trust-Profit Paradox 2023-05-25
EP 426: This is Not Advice: It's Our World, AI Just "Lives" In It 2023-05-22
EP 425: [Dispatch] Gone Meta 2023-05-18
EP 424: How the Game We Play Changes Our Work 2023-05-11

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