Green Beauty Conversations by Formula Botanica, the online organic formulation school, challenges you on the way you think about the beauty industry. Our host Lorraine Dallmeier tackles topics that encourage debate about green, indie and sustainable beauty. Subscribe to the Green Beauty Conversations podcast and become part of the global green beauty movement.


Title Date published
EP91. Does an indie beauty brand's mission matter? 2022-01-13
EP90. Everyone can formulate skincare 2022-01-06
EP89. Pioneering talk with Pai Skincare 2021-12-30
EP88. Beauty shoppers should vote with their wallets 2021-12-23
EP87. Sinking carbon while selling skincare - is this possible? 2021-12-16
EP86. Are we dumbing down sustainable beauty? 2021-12-09
EP85. The truth about wild-harvested beauty 2021-12-02
EP84. The beauty industry is avoiding the elephant in the room 2021-11-25
EP83. How waterless beauty greenwashed the beauty world 2021-11-18
EP82. The beauty industry has a problem with transparency 2021-11-11
EP81. Can the beauty industry ever be transparent? 2021-11-04
EP80. Let's remind the ingredients' sector of its roots 2021-10-28
EP79. The indie beauty challenge of sourcing natural ingredients 2021-10-21
EP78. We can't shop our way to sustainability 2021-10-14
EP77. Does the beauty industry have the courage to change? 2021-10-07
EP76. Treat essential oils with reverence 2021-09-30
EP75. How sustainable are essential oils? 2021-09-23
EP74. Beauty retail has to change 2021-09-16
EP73. Should beauty retailers boycott unsustainable brands? 2021-09-09
EP72. We must get to Net Zero in Beauty 2021-09-02

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