A science guy from the deep south (Destin) and a humanities guy from the wild west (Matt Whitman) discuss deep questions with varying levels of maturity.


Title Date published
160 - Choose Your Weapon 2023-06-30
159 - Merkle's Boner 2023-06-20
158 - How to Defeat Persia if They Invade You 2023-05-31
157 - Surprise Book Ambush 2023-05-16
156 - The Forbidden Island 2023-05-01
155 - Why Did Julius Caesar Get Shanked (Assassinated)? 2023-04-22
154 - What is Wrap Rage? 2023-03-31
153 - Do You Look at the Guy Who Cut You Off In Traffic? 2023-03-21
152 - Is Michael Jordan Happy? 2023-02-28
151 - The Curious Case of Harold Wilberforce Sandlin 2023-02-18
150 - A Fool's Errand 2023-02-04
149 - The Truth About Wrestling 2023-02-01
148 - Which Archetype Are You? 2022-12-27
147 - Can AI Fool YOU? (A Convo with ChatGPT) 2022-12-09
146 - How Would You Survive? 2022-12-01
145 - History's Most Interesting Non-Water Floods 2022-11-20
144 - The Anatomy of a Good Prank 2022-11-01
143 - Banned Words 2022-10-19
142 - Who's in Charge of Charging? 2022-09-29
141 - Weak People Make Bad Times 2022-09-15

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