<p>5 Live's science podcast, featuring Dr Chris and Naked Scientists with the hottest science news stories and analysis.</p>


Title Date published
Is fat worse than sugar, and can you die of a broken heart? 2019-12-22
Dr Petr: Speed of light, particles and memory 2019-12-19
Lab-grown skin, avalanches and the sun's magnetic field 2019-12-15
Dr. Karl 2019-12-12
Climate change, virtual reality gloves and the perfect hangover remedy? 2019-12-08
Dr Karl: Baking Bread, Aqua Energy and Dried Cereal On Your Breakfast Bowl 2019-12-05
Glow Worms And Space Tourism 2019-12-01
Dr Karl: Carbon Capture, Micro-Plastics and Human Progression 2019-11-29
Dr Karl: Virtual Reality, Sharks and Hydrogen Cars 2019-11-21
Electricity, hiccups and the power of phenomics 2019-11-17
Dr Karl: The Moon, Particle Physics, and Quantum computers 2019-11-14
Recycling 2019-11-10
Dr Karl: Carbon, Trees and Fizzy Drinks 2019-11-07
5 live Science 2019-11-03
Dr Karl 2019-10-31
5 live Science 2019-10-27
Dr Karl wonders if you can use the Earth's magnetic field to generate electricity. 2019-10-24
5 live Science 2019-10-20
Dr Karl 2019-10-17
5 Live Science 2019-10-13

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