History is beautiful, brutal and, often, ridiculous. Join Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown as they dive into some of the weirdest stories from across the span of human civilization in Ridiculous History, a podcast by iHeartRadio.


Title Date published
A Humorous History of Genetics 2022-07-21
Tsutomu Yamaguchi: The World's Only (Recognized) Double Atomic Bomb Victim 2022-07-19
Gods of Deception, Part II: Art, History, Fiction and War 2022-07-14
Gods of Deception, Part I: Alger Hiss in the Halls of Power 2022-07-12
Operation LAC: That Time Uncle Sam Sprayed Poison Across St. Louis 2022-07-07
CLASSIC - Does the US Confederacy Still Exist in Americana, Brazil? 2022-07-05
Millerism, Part II: The Great Disappointment (and the Aftermath) 2022-06-30
CLASSIC - Did a Real-Life Rainmaker Almost Drown San Diego? 2022-06-28
Millerism: America’s First End Times Gospel 2022-06-23
Ben Franklin Faked a Rival's Death to Promote His Almanac 2022-06-21
Why was Phrenology a Thing? Part II: A Pseudoscience (Sort of) Informs the Modern Day 2022-06-16
Why was Phrenology a Thing? Part I: The Rise of Dr. Finger 2022-06-14
Nancy Wake, the White Mouse of the French Resistance 2022-06-09
The US Boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics, and Puerto Rican Boxers Went Anyway 2022-06-07
Disco Demolition Night: How Disco Died at a White Sox Game 2022-06-02
Bolivia Fought -- And Lost -- A War For Bird Poop 2022-05-31
Why You Can't Say "MacBeth" in a Theater 2022-05-26
Operation Mincemeat: Britain's Ghoulish Plan to Fool the Nazis 2022-05-24
Who the heck was Joseph Warren? 2022-05-19
Chocolate Syrup: From Medicine to Dessert 2022-05-17

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