There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating. Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the worst humans in history and exposes the bizarre realities of their lives. Listeners will learn about the young adult novels that helped Hitler form his monstrous ideology, the founder of Blackwater’s insane quest to build his own Air Force, the bizarre lives of the sons and daughters of dictators and Saddam Hussein’s side career as a trashy romance novelist.


Title Date published
Part One: Savitri Devi: The Woman Who Turned Nazism into a Religion 2020-02-11
The Childhood of Joseph Stalin 2020-02-06
How Hobby Lobby Funded Terrorism And Tried To Destroy Democracy 2020-02-04
Part Two: The Bastards Who Killed the Black Panthers 2020-01-30
Part One: The Bastards Who Killed the Black Panthers 2020-01-28
Part Two: The Man Who Invented Fascism 2020-01-23
Part One: The Man Who Invented Fascism 2020-01-21
Part Two: John Ronald Brown: The Worst Surgeon Ever 2020-01-16
Part One: John Ronald Brown: The Worst Surgeon Ever 2020-01-14
Qassem Soleimani and the Bastardful History of U.S. / Iran Relations 2020-01-08
The Bastard Who Executed The Top Nazis 2020-01-07
The MDMA Cook Who Tried To Commit Genocide 2020-01-02
John Brown: Terrorist, Hero or Terrorist Hero? 2019-12-24
Part Two: The Idiot Who Made, And Destroyed, WeWork 2019-12-19
Part One: The Idiot Who Made, And Destroyed, WeWork 2019-12-17
The School That Raped Everbody 2019-12-12
Part Three: Jerry Falwell: Founder of the Religious Right 2019-12-10
Part Two: Jerry Falwell: Founder of the Religious Right 2019-12-05
Part One: Jerry Falwell: Founder of the Religious Right 2019-12-03
The Terrible Secret of Sea Monkeys (Live Show) 2019-11-26

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