Twice a week, the Guardian brings you the latest science and environment news


Title Date published
Killing the Skydancer: episode one, Susie’s Chicks 2023-08-15
Summer picks: are we any closer to understanding long Covid? 2023-08-10
Summer picks: should we ban artificial grass? 2023-08-08
Summer picks: could the multiverse be real? 2023-08-03
Summer picks: what’s the reality behind the ‘Love Island smile’? 2023-08-01
Canadian lake could mark the start of new geological epoch 2023-07-27
What can doppelgangers tell us about nature v nurture? 2023-07-25
Extreme heat: what does it do to us and how can we adapt? 2023-07-20
What’s at stake if we mine the deep sea? 2023-07-18
Has a 25-year-old bet taken us a step closer to understanding consciousness? 2023-07-13
The awe-inspiring intelligence of octopuses 2023-07-11
Why inflammation matters, and what we can do to fight it 2023-07-06
Why are windfarms turning record profits for the crown estate? 2023-07-04
Euclid: will the mission uncover the secrets of dark matter and dark energy? 2023-06-29
Why are orcas attacking boats and is the behaviour spreading? 2023-06-27
Synthetic human embryos: can the law keep pace with the science? 2023-06-22
Cybercrime: what does psychology have to do with phishing? 2023-06-20
Will new treatments change the way we view cancer for good? 2023-06-15
Kakhovka dam destruction: why is Ukraine calling it ‘ecocide’? 2023-06-13
Why is Nasa looking into UFOs and what has it found so far? 2023-06-08

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