Twice a week, the Guardian brings you the latest science and environment news


Title Date published
What is raw sewage doing to the UK’s rivers and seas? 2022-08-30
What’s going on with UK teenagers’ mental health? 2022-08-25
How did mammals come to rule the world? 2022-08-23
From the archive: Will Silicon Valley help us live to 200 and beyond? – podcast 2022-08-18
From the archive: What are the hidden costs of our obsession with fish oil pills? 2022-08-16
From the archive: Are western lifestyles causing a rise in autoimmune diseases? 2022-08-11
From the archive: Why are climate and conservation scientists taking to the streets? 2022-08-09
James Lovelock and the legacy of his Gaia hypothesis 2022-08-04
Is it time for a complete overhaul of car wreck rescue techniques? 2022-08-02
Which Tory leadership candidate is the ‘greenest’? 2022-07-28
Learning how to cope with ‘climate doom’ 2022-07-26
Have Biden’s climate pledges just been killed off? 2022-07-21
‘Falling from the sky in distress’: the deadly bird flu outbreak sweeping the world 2022-07-19
James Webb space telescope: thousands of galaxies in a grain of sand 2022-07-14
Why have Australian honeybees been put into lockdown? Podcast 2022-07-12
Roe v Wade: why vasectomies are no answer to abortion restrictions 2022-07-07
New Covid wave: Is this what ‘living with covid’ looks like? 2022-07-05
Is polio in our sewage as worrying as it sounds? 2022-06-30
Shitcoins: are pointless cryptocurrencies a scam or a gamble? 2022-06-28
Rewilding with wolves: can they help rebuild ecosystems? 2022-06-23

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